NSE: Investors Trade N15.770bn Worth Of Shares To Close The Week


A TURNOVER of 1.264 billion shares worth N15.770 billion changed hands in 17,016deals on the floor of the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE) last week, in contrast to a total of 1.269 billion shares valued at N17.570 billion exchanged in 18,993 deals during the preceding week.
The financial services industry (measured by volume), led the activity chart with 831.925 million shares valued at N8.924 billion traded in 9,602 deals; thus contributing 65.81 per cent and 56.59 per cent to the total equity turnover volume and value respectively.
The natural resources industry followed with a turnover of 210.046 million shares worth N105.218 million in 14 deals.
The third place was occupied by oil and gas industry with 59.6 million shares worth N1.418 billion in 1,632 deals.
Trading in the top three equities– Zenith International Bank Plc; Multiverse Plc and Access Bank Plc (measured by volume), accounted for 604.019 million shares worth N5.590 billion in 2,322 deals, contributing 47.78 per cent and 35.45 per cent to the total equity turnover volume and value respectively.
Also traded during the week were a total of 1,430 units of Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) valued at N586,558.50, executed in 17deals compared with a total of 9,630 units valued at N734,568.22, transacted last week in 22 deals.
A total of 500 units of Federal Government Bonds valued at N508,788.04 million were traded this week in one deal compared with a total 1,692 units valued at N1.753 million transacted last week in three deals.
The NSE All-Share Index and Market Capitalization depreciated by 2.49 per cent to close on Friday at 31,729.26 and N10.836 trillion respectively.
Similarly, all the indices finished lower during the week, with the exception of NSE Insurance Index that closed higher by 1.26 per cent.
Also, 19 equities appreciated in price during the week, lower than 33 equities of the preceding week, while 50 equities depreciated in price, higher than 36 equities of the preceding week and 124 equities remained unchanged, the same number recorded in the preceding week.
Credit: ngrguardiannews.com

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