Nigeria Will Attain Economic Prosperity Soon — Osinbajo

Prosperity, eurobond

Nigeria’s Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo has said that very soon, Nigeria with the help of the organised private sector, shall soon attain prosperity. Speaking on Friday just before ringing the closing bell at the Nigerian Stock Exchange, Lagos, the Vice President who said he was visiting the exchange floor for the first time, said the private sector and government must work hand in hand at this time of great challenges for the country. He said, “So, I want us to see ourselves as partners working together to ensure that we are able to take our nation up from where we are at the moment to a great and permanent prosperity. Stressing the importance of the stock exchange, he said, “Always, everywhere in the world, the stock exchange very quickly recognizes where there is an economic challenge because you see it, all the indicators show very clearly that there are complications and there are problems.” Speaking on the effort of the Nigerian government to boost investment, the VP said, “What we are trying to do is to create an enabling environment for industry and for business, that’s a whole lot of things. We are trying to work on infrastructure and we are also trying to work on tax incentive and all manner of incentives’ regime that will enable businesses to do better. You know what the immediate challenges are; foreign exchange, power in some cases and all of that.” He added, “But all of these are issues that we are working on day by day and my interaction today with the council has also helped a great deal in trying to understand some of the more immediate issues that we are trying to confront and I am trying to see how how we can deal with them. Harping on the partnership that exists between the Private sector and government, he said, “Government deals mainly as a regulator and partner in such a way and ensuring that the private sector does business and does it well and efficiently, because the private sector owns the economy. So for us, this is an important engagement and this where we are, that is why I’m here.” Osinbajo also restated the fact that the President just inaugurated an Ease of Doing Business Council, adding that “The whole idea is to look at the entire incentive regime, to look at the infrastructure, look at all of the different areas where we can encourage and enable the business environment.” He said the council will be looking at the whole lot of economic policy and whole lot of legislation that can encourage businesses in Nigeria. Keystyle Learning Can Help You Fulfil Your Dream. Work, Study Or Live Abroad: Australia, UK, Canada, USA Or Ghana. Call Us On 09057644711, 09038944464 Or Click Here. ]]>