Relationship Affairs: 6 Exciting Ways To Make Him More Romantic


Hold Hands While Walking
Some men love public display of affection. So, show your love and appreciation for him when you two are out with your friends or family. Hold hands as you walk together and steal a glance or two whenever possible. Gaze into his eyes and it will certainly make his heart miss a beat or two. But, if your man is shy person and finds it hard to express himself in front of people then try to do these things when you two are alone.
Do Things His Way
The best way to make your man unleash his romantic side is to pamper him the way he wants. Once in a while, do the things his way. Instead of nagging him for not spending time with you when he gets back from work, indulge in things he likes to do. Play video games with him or let him watch his favourite channel on TV every now and then. When you do the things that he likes, he too would get the hint that you too would love to be treated the same way as well.
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Plan A Night Out
Take charge of planning a romantic night. Make your man just sit back and enjoy every part of the ride. Simple things like picking out a new restaurant for a dinner can go a long way to rekindle the romance in your man. After the dinner, make arrangements to set a romantic tone in your bedroom. These classic tricks never go wrong!
Revisit The History You Share
Nostalgia can help memories to resurface, reminding both of you about the quality time you have spent together. Revisit a location with which you associate special memories, like your first date restaurant or the coffee shop where you went during your courtship days. If possible, plan a short trip to your honeymoon destination and watch how it affects your man. Sneaking out to romantic places acts as a booster for the relationship. A weekend away from hectic schedules will be refreshing for both of you.
Appreciate Him
Take out time to share some words of love. These small things can go a long way. Romance is a crucial part of every relationship, but it is equally important to be careful not to suffocate your partner. The starts have to be small. Instead of finding problems with the gifts that he buys or with the restaurants he chooses, appreciate him for whatever he does for you. Never try to put your man down, especially in front of others. That is just a way to make him run in the opposite direction.
Look Good For Him
Dear ladies, as you get busy in your hectic life, you forget to take care of the way you look and dress when he is around. Do you remember the last time when you dressed up just to impress him and looked your best to get his eyes rolling? Well, it is time you start looking good for him. Dress up nicely for him when he comes back from the office, or put on a new nightwear to entice his senses.
Girls do remember one thing, romance is not something that you can force out of someone. So, no need to nag him for not being romantic enough. Just use these ways to cast your love spell on him, once again! 
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