Affairs With Favour: Is He The One?



Should i carry on in this relationship?
Is he the one?
Is he worth it?
Will he marry me?
These are some of the disturbing questions plaguing the minds of so may single ladies all around the world.
No lady wants to make any mistake in life when it comes to settling with the right man and no lady intends spending (wasting) her youth with the wrong man.
So ladies, how do you know if he is the one?
I took some time to collate and compute some points based on people,s opinions, shared ideas and experiences.
1. He is Secretive
Have you ever been in a relationship where your man never tells you VITAL things around him? Yeah, that is one glaring sign he doesn't trust you.
He doesn't trust the woman enough to divulge in formations to her and believe me, no one marries a woman he doesn't trust.
If the lady is truely his soulmate, he shouldn't keep keep some important things about him from the woman
A lasting relationship is one where the couple share mutual understanding, ideas and love, devoid of secrets or opaqueness.
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 2. He is self centered.
This simply means when the centre of a relationship is all about him.
He wants to be loved, pampered, and cared for yet he wont reciprocate. He is not keen to find out his woman's cares, challenges, and concerns, future plans or aspirations.
Any woman who doesn't share in his woman's future plans and dreams obviously doesn't have any future with her
 3 He doesn't care much to know about the lady's family.
He has not made any meaningful attempt to find out where his so called girlfriend is coming from, her background, beliefs and orientation. This is a conspicuous sign because those factors aforementioned should be his priority if he truely wants to settle down with the woman.
 4. He's afraid of commitments
Just watch out, if he always drags his feet whenever it comes to his woman's welfare, don't ignore the sign.
A guy who really has a future with his woman wont hesitate to offer a hand when needed. He takes her problems and challenges as his. That doesn't mean the guy should be her financial saviour but lending a hand when desperately needed should not be overlooked.
5. In the public.
He doesn't really feel comfortable appearing in public places with you. I guess he is simply trying to avoid introductions because he doesn't know how to introduce the lady.
He can only shower the lady some love and affection at the confines of his house but once in the public, he switches character.
 6. No formal introduction.
That confusing moment when your boyfriends sibling or relative walks into his house in your presence and your boyfriend just introduces you only by your name.
He will be like "sister, meet Maryjane" and that's where it ends. Whatever Maryjane is to him, he wont bother saying it because he feels there's no need for that.
Even when he's with his friends, he wont make any meaningful introduction.
Sweety, why manage and endure with a guy who apparently has no future plans for you?
Life is too short to be wasted on some one who has no plans for you.
Above all, the need for prayers is inevitable in every relationship.
Favoured week!

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