State Of The Nation: Before The Eloquent And Smart Ones Shut Us Down, By Nsude Chukwuebuka


Nnaanyi, is it true? 
Is it true that Nigeria is on course for change?
Change the say is dynamic and the dynamics of change, well who can understand it.  Nnaanyi I looked up the meaning of change again today and I saw another definition almost like the one I saw during the elections. 
“Change=to substitute another or others for; exchange for something else, usually of the same kind”When I saw “usually of the same kind” I was scared. Before the elections, I was branded a tribal bigot who didn’t want the success of Nigeria because I was not in your camp. During the elections, I was a “clueless” follower of a “clueless” government simply because I had not pitched my tent in your camp. And now after elections, I was called a “wailing wailer” because yet again even in your victory and my loss, I still have not joined your camp.Nnaanyi, all these while, my right to opinion and speech was almost taken away from me if not for the fact that no one can stop my social network activities, at least for now, who know about next year. It would be selfish if I made this piece to be about the plight of people like me, who were not sold to the idea of “BUHARINATION” which was an acute or should I say fulminant development and distribution of an ideology that people like me didn’t quite get, maybe we were clueless after all, clueless to knowing how to swallow political words line, hook and sinker.  
Long live Mr President, but sir is it true that our treasury is “virtually empty”? I ask because I can’t send someone to work for me without properly equipping that person, it is wickedness. But then I remembered a statement released and signed by your then Director of Media and publicity Malam GarbaShehu who is now your Senior Special Assistant (Media and Publicity), a part of the statement read thus “With external debt standing at more than $10 billion and our internal debts at more than $5 0billion, it is without doubt that President Jonathan is driving Nigeria into economic wilderness. This should be a cause for concern for all well-meaning Nigerians, more so when the Federal Government responses to these rising economic challenges have, at best, been casual”. This is a pure admission to the fact that you knew that you were getting into a very “horrible” place. 
Am I going to blame you for the mismanagement of others, no? But I am going to blame you if you play the blame game by trying to use the mistake of others to justify yours.  Why should I? BecauseNnaanyi, you promised better.
“For our presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari, it is a walk back through history. Recall that the Nigerian economy at this time shares characteristics with the Nigerian economy of 1983 when he took charge of the reign of government on a rescue mission. The Naira was weak, crude oil prices were plummeting just as the national treasury – coupled with a heavy debt profile. Hopefully, APC will turn the nation’s economy around.
“Our party’s economic policies are consciously conceived to be people-centred. For the first time in over three decades, Nigeria will experience a truly pro-people Federal Government. This is our commitment to the mass of our people, help is on the way, they should not despair,” Shehu said. Shehu restated Buhari’s commitment to end profligacy, mismanagement of the nation’s revenue which is dwindling by the day and block leakages with a view to saving needed funds to drive an APC-led government’s economic and infrastructure development”
It is only fair if we hold you by your own words as you are a man of “integrity” and would love a clean record. 
But I became really worried when you ordered the release of over Two Billion dollars from an empty treasury or maybe you didn’t. Nnaanyi is it true that you give orders and recant later? Maybe this is one of those instances where you would recant, no? Okay.  My worry is that my President is now a magician! I mean he can just like Jesus bring out money from the mouth of Fishes, if not how do you reconcile Two billion dollars and a “virtually empty” treasury. 
Using the said amount to help Governors who have misappropriated the money meant for civil servants, the same character you said you would have zero-tolerance to (Corruption). 
Nnaanyi is it true? Is it true that you have turned water into wine and you have taken “sinners” to bed all in the same day?
I would commend you sir for allegedly putting AsiwajuTinubu in his place, I was very scared when the thought of him running Nigeria like I heard he is running Lagos crossed my mind, but thanks to God, you have put my mind to rest.  At least his Senator wife would not have access to Aso rock kitchen and refuse to greet or shake your hands afterwards like she did Saraki the Senate President. 
I cannot forget how Jonathan was using his last weeks before the elections to end Boko haram and “score” cheap political points, what happened now?
Nnaanyi is it true?
Is it true that you ordered the removal of Military roadblocks and ordered them back again and now we have multiple suicide bombings and deaths recorded? In just over 42 days of your assuming office? If I go by your timeline, Nnaanyi you have 18 to 19 days to end book haram. You had promised to do so in 2 months, Nnaanyi what is happening? 
Your supporters are attacking us as if you are just their President, You are my President too Buhari. So tell me, were you just being a politician during the campaigns or did you have the interest of the Nation at heart? You had promised change and of course I know that change is a process not an event, but you had promised it like you could have delivered it in 100 days. Deliver my fellow Nigerians from this scourge, you promised to.  These are your early days in office I hope you have seen what you’ve been looking for since 2003. 
Nnaanyi, I would want to ask is it true again, but I don’t want you to fly out of the country again as is your habit. I would fault the “Boomerang” for calling you BABAGOSLOW they lack respect forgive them.
And those people calling you LASTCOWBENDER forgive them too, 
Show us your might Mr President…

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