Lawal Daura, Please Defeat Boko Haram Not Marilyn Ogar, By Ikechukwu Iroha


I refrained from condemning any appointment made by the President Muhamadu Buhari . I never wanted to add a voice when he is yet to form a full cabinet.
For the sake of federal character, unity in diversity and purposeful governance, all geopolitical zones should be represented equitably .
In my view, Marginalization of any zone is never a political prowess rather a cruelty in rudderless.
Whoever occupies a position of the President , would want to appoint his allies to occupy strong and sensitive positions considering the shaky political environment . Certain factors like effectiveness, working for the interest of the country etc always lack in such appointment as the job specification is mainly to protect and defend the President and his policies.
Understand it, President Buhari has been in the ship called Nigeria as a captain and was ousted in 1985 . A déjà vu sort of . His return will be a better time to right his wrongs.  He will now be more mindful and wary of the intents of people who are seeking for political offices. 
While some political juggernauts do everything to wheedle their way into his government, I therefore agree that the "snail pace syndrome" attached to his name as regards to appointment of ministers could be a better way of running a background check on these political jobbers.
The appointment of eight(8) Northerners out of the entire nine(9) appointments so far does not in anyway affect me nor my thoughts and prayers for a better Nigeria. While I agree that such appointments may have gone contrary to what federal character stipulates, I wish to wait and only wait for the list of ministers of the federal republic and their respective portfolios before I point any accusing finger on whether a Northern or Western agenda is being played on a big screen.
Lawal Daura was appointed the DG SSS amidst cry for a western or southern figure. Ordinarily, his appointment wouldn't have raised further dust except the fact that he is from Daura in kastina state and shares same lineage with the President and also was recalled from  retirement . 
I want to believe there are more qualified directors in SSS that could man the position. Meanwhile, considering the President's position and his 'before and after campaign vows' to defeat bokoharam, my take was , If it takes someone who should be enjoying his life with his grand children, in order to defeat Boko haram, so be it.
With the recent drama, I am pushed to swallow my words. It seems Daura Lawal has a different agenda than defeating bokoharam . Top in his scale of preference is to bring down Marilyn Ogar.
Don't take it personal, the first task upon resumption was to recall Marilyn Ogar from her study leave abroad, the second was to demote her and the final was to transfer her to Maiduguri.
Let it be known that Lawal is yet to have bokoharam casualties.
Since he has concluded his vindictive venture, can the President please appoint someone that will help the military fight insurgency .
In the military, whoever becomes the president is given an unwavering support and loyalty. If Marilyn Ogar is being trapped for the role she played as the DSS PRO during GEJ's tenure , then it means Lawal does not understand the workings of the military and SSS unless Lawal is acting a script carefully written by someone he dare not disobey .
I have read a lot of side talks. Some argued that her transfer to Maiduguri was a welcomed development considering her wealth of experience while some stressed that her transfer was to expose her to dangers.
I join the second category of people that believe that Maiduguri could be a deadly journey . 
The storyline that informed my acquaintance with the second group is a straight forward narrative. * Marilyn Ogar recalled from her study leave abroad by the new DG SSS, demoted, transferred  to Maiduguri and to make matters worse, Boko haram attacks DSS office in Maiduguri *
Do not blame me, I am only forming a correlation and a strong interjection between the events. 
Perhaps , Bokoharam activists  did not read the portion where she was recalled from Maiduguri . Since she has now become a soft target, it is better she stays back in Abuja or proceed to complete her study leave.
My plea represents the voice of the majority. Please Lawal, defeat Boko Haram not Marilyn.

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