Sunday Gazette With Usama: Dear Aisha Abubakar – Now That You Are A Minister


Greetings Madam Minister
It is with a deep sense of utmost respect that i write to congratulate you on this milestone achievement after crossing huddles of envy and vested interest to become a minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria against the wishes of the thieving elites. I salute your doggedness, self control and your ability to remain calm even in the most challenging moments. Let me also congratulate you for breaking the jinx to become the first female minister to come from Sokoto State. You have indeed made history that will be remembered forever. 
Madam, as you may pretend not to know, the statewide interest that greeted your nomination as well as the very support most of us rendered to you during your ministerial screening and confirmation was uniquely not born out of the confidence we have in you neither your track records nor your experience, but rather, against the political forces opposing your appointment.
The people's interest is far from your background, academic, competency, or professional credentials. The simple truth is that the entirety of the people of masses that massively rallied behind you have an interest wholly premised against those political forces whom were hell bent on stopping your ministerial appointment and anything short of this is hypocritical. 
I and others alike heard little or no information about you but looking at your resume, you possessed nearly all the potentials, the skills, professionalism, experience and the ultimate chance to go down in the annals of history as the best performing minister in this era of change. The path to make this history requires creating an enabling environment for the progress of the people and always protect their interest irrespective of any differences. 
Similarly, in order to win the trust and confidence of the masses, you must provide a favorable environment for accountability, motivation, honesty, justice, and more importantly checks and balances which perhaps formed the basics of any serious democracy. Now that you are a minister, exercise your duties from a position of wisdom and uttermost sincerity.
Madam minister, there are some few mundane challenges which a minister should tackle head-on before balancing in office, otherwise, his leadership will never find the real balance to move things in the right direction. These are serious challenges that we are all concerned about, on which we will gauge your performance at the end of the day:
The first challenge awaiting your immediate action is fighting corruption, a menace which has undoubtedly brought the entire nation to chapter 11. As you are very much aware, corruption is simultaneously holding Nigeria to ransom and fighting it has proven to be a very tough challenge. Therefore fighting it straightaway with all the tools at your disposal is of paramount importance if you are to succeed, and there should be no preferential treatment when it comes to sanctioning perpetrators.
The second task you may need to give due diligence is overcoming this vexatious attitude of 'favoritism' which has rotten the flesh and blood of several Nigerians over the years. Only second to corruption, favoritism is fast and silently killing Nigeria without attracting much attention; this was brought about by our insistence on using the wrong people for the wrong jobs because of our escalating insularity, it has almost became like a norm for government officials to view from the prism of tribes, region, religion or states when appointing subordinate staffs. Thus wrecking havoc on the Nigerian states without given due consideration.
Thirdly is workers welfare. No administration can survive longer which does not accept as fundamental the rights of its very own workers. Hence, the need to adequately motivate its staffs is of paramount value, for the success of any policy depends on the conceptual skill of those who are to impose the policy not those who made it. To achieve this, you need to create an atmosphere of approval and security in which your subordinates will feel free to express themselves without fear of censure or ridicule, by encouraging them to participate in the planning and carrying out of those things which directly affect them. You must also be sufficiently sensitive to their needs and motivations, for you to judge the possible reactions to, and outcomes of, various responsibilities they may undertake. The rights of workers to good housing, good medical facilities and basic needs of life must be protected and respected. 
Finally, it is often said that experience is the best teacher and this applies to you in some fashion, because you’ve been serving the nation long before now, albeit, in a different capacity. While it is said that experience is the best teacher, it is also believed that a wise man learns from the mistakes of others. Therefore you should learn from history, learn to associate yourself with dedicated and patriotic hands only, not those who will pretend to be Jesus Christ (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon Him) in looks while in the actual sense they are Satan in mind. Always learn to look back when taking any decision or formulating any policy, perhaps it is widely agreed that the failure to look back while looking forward was what rubbishes the progress of almost all the ministers in the immediate past government of President Jonathan. 
Hopefully in the next few months, Nigerians and indeed the people of Sokoto State as a whole will determine whether or not you deserved their trust and confidence.
Now that you are a minister, be God fearing, dedicative, law abiding and always exercise your duties with nothing but absolute truthfulness. 
Now that you are a minister, strive hard to succeed where others failed and prove the naysayers wrong.
May He the Almighty everlasting living God sanctify you against all the evil forces, may He also give you the wisdom and the ability to do the right thing.
Usama A. Dandare, Our Sunday Columnist is a social commentator and an advocate of peace. He hails and writes from Sokoto.

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