The Dark Teaser, By Gift Amukoyo


A new dawn is to break loose
Night and day lay blanket naked
Wrapped and cuddling warmly
They would not disengage their communion in a hurry
Both limbs tangled and untangled
Caressing and cupping figures
Night noosing his nose on day's soft nape
Running his knuckles all over her light form
Teasing and mesmerizing her with cloudy kisses
He wouldn't want to let her go
She is his shining flare
The lighter to his dark hood
Oh my knight… Stop it, you must go now
He spreads over and partly covers his thighs with hers
Oh no, you must get off you randy night crawler
You must go grace the beds of your numerous mistresses
You're every lady's man, not mine to keep
Go now, you mustn't keep them waiting
They have been awake from dawn till dusk
Tending their subjects, lay in wait
For your cover to lay rest and relax
In the good warmth you bear
No one can tell your mood swings
It is at times horrifying and sorrowful
Bearing nightmares or hugs the body with cold hands
I thank the heavens high above for bestowing the best moods
On you when you graced my chambers
You are the feared and fearless knight
Your teasing stores untold satisfaction or displeasure
Though I am jealous, I want you to take with you
This romantic mood to your next holdings
Leave me now straying knight
I need to shower my full light to the fortress
It is my stationed duty as regional manager
And off course you must head on
To lay cover with your mistresses in other realms
It is our destiny to remain single but mingle
To be companions for restricted timings
It is our lots we must bear
Wave on teaser
In bouts of kisses and pecks
Hugging loosely, they slowly part
Her night is gone
The passion of yester-night suns her body
Radiating sparks which glows her fair skin
She becomes moody, missing her knight
She could not hold it any more
Tears of longing drops from her mild eyes
Raining down her cheeks and blessing her chin
Seeking the warmth and closure of him
Wondering if he is having succour
With his other daisies
At long last he comes to her
He must have been spent because
He strode slowly on his stallion
Covering her this time whole heartily
Their hug was thunder clapping
Her smiles was the full moon
Her eyes the sparking stars
Her knight is here, everything else stands still
Night, the lover of the universe
The most eternally eligible bachelor
The dark teaser…
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