A Nigerian Dream About Succession, By Olulana Alofe


The tall lanky man who won the election four years ago delivered on most of his campaign promises even at the expense of those that backed him within his own party as the free wheeling and dealing that infested the former administration came to a crawl shortly after he was sworn in as Nigeria's new president. Looking back at the last four years, the reversal  of fortunes for the common man is really remarkable even though there is so much more that needs to be done but at least now there is a clear passage to realizing that hope. After the very public censure of three Senators and five Representatives for gross misconduct, it seemed every other politician sat up straighter in their chairs due to the no nonsense demeanor of the Senate President who took his cue from the new president even though the long prison terms given to two former Governors found guilty of stealing public funds which was indeed determined to be corruption had some say in the new culture pervading National and State Assemblies.
What is even more impressive is the continuity of projects the former administration initiated and that is saying something because usually once a newly elected leader is from the opposition, all projects, good and bad initiated by the preceeding leaders are abandoned or starved of funding so that they, the new administration will not be building up someone else's legacy! That has been a very old trick from the play book of Nigerian politicans for decades. Just ask former First Ladies as they are always victims of their successors in office! The new leaders just have to start off something they believe historians can refer to in future as their legacy no matter if it was ill conceived or just a duplication of another existing project! It has to have their names stamped on them!
Well, this president did not care about that at all and he  clearly showed that by rising above that mean streak with a touch of sheer class. For example, if you want to travel to Port Harcourt from Abuja, you can choose to fly, drive or sit in a very comfortable train and enjoy the scenery as it changes while the train speeds by and in Port Harcourt the inner city transportation service of taxis, buses and trains will get you to your destination without tears! His administration continued on with all viable projects initiated by the former president, improved on them and added a few more of his own. Not too many that spread out resources too thin but with a focus on the ones which affected the common man where it helped the most. They are documented by the many media in and out of Nigeria. 
The election of a politician from the region many loved to hate over an incumbent President that got there with sympathy votes which led to a change of power from the dominant political party that had a vice like grip since the birth of the Fourth Republic to the main opposition has been the best thing to happen under the circumstances. The ex president ensured free and fair elections, conceded as soon as it was clear he could not win and gave one of the best congratulatory speeches a sitting president about to be shown the door ever gave to his political opponent! The new president was magnanimous in victory and that was not just a show for the cameras because he used the ex president as a diplomat at large to represent the country at special world functions these last four years! Talk about building bridges!
However the most amazing thing to me was the fact that this president who was approaching his 80th year refused to seek a second term and told the public that it was time for a younger generation to build upon the foundation of accountable, inclusive and responsible governance laid down by his administration. He imbibed the Nelson Mandela doctrine that allows for succession and not perpetuation. The four main candidates of the two main political parties vying to become their parties flag bearers, all in their late forties and early fifties are expected to carry on the transformation agenda this great Nigerian president is passing onto them.
That is just an….
What? Was I dreaming?…  Oh, it's still a month away from the election! Then, that must have been a vision please! 
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