A Tale Of The African Hoe And The Shovel From Other Lands, By Olulana Alofe


This is a generalization. Exemptions do occur.
I once heard within a sermon the difference between the attitude of Africans and people from other countries populated by others, European, Asian, American or other nationalities explained with the description of how the African hoe works when used to weed compared to a shovel.
Greed of the African is seen in how the African hoe gathers whatever is being raked towards the person using it. "Mine, mine, mine" is its song whereas a shovel sings "take yours and you yours" as the user rakes away from him or herself.
Hmmm… Is this true?
Taking a look at leaders of African countries since independence across Africa, one cannot but agree with this observation within the limited scope of the majority of African leaders in public and private life. Political, religious and business leaders.
They became filthy rich at the expense of others, their brethren who became poorer. While there are many monarchs and leaders in other lands who did the exact same thing, to a large extent, they or the system they operated in took care of their people even if they became wealthy too.
What is it with the African hoe? Is its design indicative of how Africans truly behave or is this just one more take-down of an already battered people?

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