On Buhari’s Illness And Comet Like Appearances, By Olulana Alofe


1. Sincere questions about the status of PMB’s health per his ability to function as president. People on this track straddle the partisan divide. The lack of clarity from the presidency is fueling their consternation. 2. Politically motivated questions aimed at removing PMB whom people on this track have failed to by other means. People with such opinions argue from a potpourri of supposition, assumptions, conjecture and outright fallacies. 3. Politically motivated defense of the lack of visibility from the president. People with this agenda keep pushing the narrative that PMB does not owe an explanation to the public about his health status. They are excited at every sighting. 4. Pragmatic observations that the constitution is key regardless of personal convictions. People on this track realize that their personal preferences should not motivate the direction this discussion takes. There is a process agreed to by all Nigerians through representation and that will determine what happens. 5. Confused. Wide-eyed people who cannot make head or tail of this truly Nigerian phenomenon. 6. Bemused. Those watching the spectacle and are wondering how we got here. 7. The real picture. Those with access to the President and who know exactly what is going on. They are simply focusing on their roles in government or their private lives knowing what they know. ]]>