Chibok Parents Accuse Nigerian Gov't Of Complicity In Girls' Kidnap


Parents of Nigerian missing schoolgirls have fingered the Nigerian government of complicity in the abduction of the over 219 Chibok schoolgirls, Leadership reports..
Nine parents whose daughters are among the abducted girls by the Boko Haram sect, met with the #BringBackOurGirls group, and expressed sadness over President Goodluck Jonathan’s failure to recue the school-girls six months after he promised to rescue them.
According to Leadership, one of the parents , Mr Goni Murtah accused the government of having a hand in the abduction of the girls, noting that the Principal of Government Secondary School, Chibok, had locked the girls in their hostel and warned them against leaving, hours before the abduction.
Mr Goni Murtah said, “Some of them had only two papers to finish up. The principal and vice principal ask everyone to bring their form. They didn’t allow them to stay where they usually stayed. They locked them in the hostel. The matron who was there with the girls during the abduction was not taken. They were asked not to leave the school or they would be punished. Three hours to the time of the kidnapping, there was a message. Some people came and collected their children. The hands of the government is in this kidnapping. If they can’t rescue our girls, they should bring in the United Nations to help bring our girls back.”
"The relatives of the principal and the school matron, were able to rescue their daughters from the sect, leaving other girls in their custody.
Rev Mark Enoch said, “We came from Chibok to show our appreciation for the BBOG group. We lack words to say thank you. Chibok girls would have been swept under the carpet. We appreciate your effort. You are also fighting for the whole nation. We pray for an end to the insurgency. We hope before April, our girls will be back,” he said.
Mrs. Samuel Yaga, another parent, according to Leadership, said the President should fulfil the promise he made in July, 2014, when he met with the parents.
Source: Leadership
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