Essentialities Of Peace To Nation Building, By Odimegwu Onwumere


Tony Oyatedor is a veteran journalist and now, publisher of News Times magazine in the United States of America. He orated to journalists in June, 2015 that if he had the opportunity to set just one agenda for the government of General Muhammadu Buhari, the memo would be for the Buhari administration to work first on peace, not corruption.
Oyatedor was of the panorama that peace is an integral part of human existence without which staying healthy, being happy, memorising and meditating on what matter to mankind, espionage of nature and embracing animals, making out hours for reading, observing the realities of the cosmos, calculating the point where science and the spiritual meet, enjoying millions of money, houses, cars, clothes, gorgeous women, and every other acquisitive thing that life gives would have been a herculean task. It was against that conception that Mahatma Gandhi, the superlative leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India said that an eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
Regularly, with her huge natural resources and her smart citizens, peace was being endangered by some persons in Nigeria through kidnapping, terrorism, child trafficking, armed robbery, official sleaze and sundry issues. Hence, Nigeria is looking for peace at all cost, as successive governments have not sat on their oars in the fight against the monsters that truncate peace; efforts were being put in place to bring peace back to the country from the honeymoon that some persons regarded as do-nothing have sent it.