“Anyway, there are people who may not have used it, but they make use of their hands. And instead of even sleeping around, use sex toys otherwise you’d be exposing your life to too many STDs and aftermaths of unprotected sex.
“I’ve not found the right man; most African men don’t know how to cope with a lady who is becoming more prosperous than them. They want to stand in her way.
“Everyone has gone through heartbreak before. Yes, I suffered terrible heartbreak before and from a man I really loved with all my heart, but then I’ve moved on.
“I like to explain myself because people feel that I’m weird which I like and it’s because most people don’t know how to handle blunt truth.
“So, knowing that you cannot preach abstinence to a sexually active adult, all you have to do is to preach precaution,” the thespian added.
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