Nigerian Court Slams N1.4 million Bail On Motor Dealer For Fraudulent Deals


Adedapo said that the sureties must reside within jurisdiction of the court and provide evidence of tax payment for the current year obtained from the state internal revenue. He said the sureties must provide two passport photographs, their official and residential addresses and that of the accused person, which would be verified by the court. He adjourned the case till Feb. 28 for trial. Lukman was arraigned on a three-count charge of conspiracy, fraud and stealing of N2,8 million. The Prosecutor, Sgt. Uloh Okokon, told the court that the accused fraudulently obtained N2.8 million from Olumide Olaide under the pretence to supply him a Lexus Jeep, which he failed to do. Okokon said that the accused falsely represent himself as a motor dealer before Olumide with intent to defraud him and convert the money to his own use. He told the court that the accused committed the offence on Dec. 18, 2015 at about 2:00 p.m in Ondo township, Ondo State. The prosecutor said the offence contravened sections 516, 390(9) and 419 of the Criminal Code Cap 37, Vol.1 Laws of Ondo State of Nigeria, 2006. Lukman pleaded not guilty and his Counsel, Grace Obanigba, applied for his bail in the most liberal terms. ]]>