Re: Addressing The Crisis In Nigeria's Health Sector…A Rejoinder By Olaoluwa Babatunde


Sequel to your article titled Addressing The Crisis In Nigeria’s Health Sector…Part 1  published 23rd January 2014, I wish to respond that I do not agree with the opinion and facts as presented by the writer. The truth in this matter is crystal clear, visible to the blinds and audible to the deaf.

The overview of the writer regarding the problem rocking the health sector is very right and correct absolutely, but the consequent address does not express the fact on ground in my opinion. 

Firstly, on superiority, I will say none of the health profession is superior to another as what matters is for all and sundry to rally round and ensure good healthcare delivery. Physicians (Doctors) has no right to claim superiority over any other profession as they are largely dependent. They rely on Medical Laboratory Scientists to get the true picture of what is wrong with the patients, on Pharmacists for drugs, on Radiologists for imagery and Physiotherapist for continuous rehabilitation. If any Physician (Doctor) treat patients without consulting virtually all these professionals, then it is QUACKERY. Here comes the question, who should claim superiority?

Gone are those days when laymen assumed every professionals in the hospital should either be a physician or a nurse. Before Prof. Olikoye Ransome Kuti maneuvered the health sector to place physicians above others, who were controlling the hospitals? The (Health) Administrators. The true picture of the real hospital settings is coming out and the physicians are scared of loosing the Euphoria of WE ARE ALL IN ALL they’ve been enjoying before, that’s why they are coming out with SURGEON GENERAL.

Secondly, Surgeon General that is being practised in the United states is not aimed at boosting unnecessary ego but to oversee all that has to do with healthcare in Military, and they are accountable to Secretary of States for Health. Then why the need in Nigeria? If the need be, why not in the military? What are the underlying politics that want to place office of Federal Minister of Health under supervision of Surgeon General? These are the questions we all need to find answers to, so Nigerians could be properly informed.

Thirdly, Diagnosis………. whose duty is it to make diagnosis? The writer claimed Laboratory scientists only conduct analysis while pathologists diagnose. This is not correct. And I wonder where this information came from. I will encourage the writer to contact FMOH for the schemes of service of these people to get their true duties. However it will not be a surprise to be told that there is no scheme of service for the pathologists. Pathologists are specialists on some diseased conditions that proffer way out or idea to physicians on how to treat those diseases. 

At this juncture I will end my fact with the statement below…………..

Newspapers have a critical role to play in any society. This is why I agree with the American statesman and former president, Thomas Jefferson, who once wrote: ‘If I had to choose between government without newspapers, and newspapers without government, I wouldn’t hesitate to choose the latter’. Jefferson simply meant that a well informed society is more important than political governance per se.

If newspapers, according to Jefferson, are preferable to government,

=> then they have greater responsibility than governments. 

=>A newspaper has the duty to INFORM, EDUCATE and WORK TOWARDS A BETTER SOCIETY. 

=>In this third duty, it is looked upon to act as the gadfly and rein in the government on its excesses. 

=>It is also expected to fight the cause of the common man and work towards the enthronement of justice in society.

 These are not easy tasks as toes will be stepped on and it will take great courage for a newspaper to remain focused on its mission.

Fatunmbi Olaoluwa Babatunde, is a Medical Laboratory Scientist based in the United States of America. He previously worked in Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital, Sagamu, Ogun State.

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