Reflections With Funmi: The APC Membership Registration


“We all need to be students of refinement, not just existence.” – Jim Rohn.

Lately there have been a lot of agitations from quite a number of people clamoring for change in Nigeria politics and leadership style. This partly culminated to a merger of several opposition parties last year with a view to giving the nation an alternative platform to elect credible leaders. 

After weeks of intrigues, a party was registered and named All Progressives Congress (APC). With the birth of this party, a composition of well known politicians, with various types of records in the minds of the people, came a lot of hope for a better political future for the country by their supporters and people who are seeking and working for a greater Nigeria. It’s worthy of note that there is a large number of non partisan citizens who are sceptical of this new merger and are watching keenly to see if its really going to be a party of Progressives indeed – both in ideology and deliverables.

There was and still is a lot of support for this new political bride in town, especially from most of the youthful population, who are not convinced (maybe rightly so) that Nigeria is yet on the right path to greatness. 

Also, with the decamping of aggrieved political bigwigs from the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP to APC, the coast seems clear for a major political showdown coupled with high level politicking and intrigues.

With the negative indices of growth and infrastructural development that’s the lot of the people, (beyond the educational assumptions of positive growth by the ruling class which never trickles down to the masses), nothing visible is really happening. This has provided a good ground for the opposition APC to integrate their regional strength, with the national spread that comes with it and lead the people to their desired and well deserved haven. 

Following announcement for members of the public to register with APC, many people thronged out to be counted as party members with not a few venturing in the murky waters of politics for the first time in their life. To my mind, such huge turn out of people tasking themselves to register and by so doing, wanting to contribute there own quota via party politics with all enthusiasm, is a highly commendable and encouraging step.

Now Matters arising: 

Allegations are being made by the ruling party, their supporters and some members of the public that people were being forced and threatened to register as party members in APC strongholds like Lagos and Rivers. Personally, I have not come across anyone who has claimed to be a victim of this sort of autocratic practice but I’ve read some reports alluding to it. There’s therefore an urgent need to address this ugly trend – if indeed it’s true.

I want to say here that this is a totally unnecessary approach for any party that’s serious about delivering good leadership to the people. Sincerely, I’m still awaiting a disclaimer from the APC. It just sound too odd to me, and I want to believe it isn’t true. This is the beginning of a pre – election year and such act from a party that prides itself in being people-centered is not a good way to go. This singular action if not adequately addressed may end up creating a very negative image for the party that may take a long time to undo.

From my little experience about Nigeria political terrain, I’d assume this action is not a preserve of any particular political party, many if not all are involved in such heinous act in their various states and areas of influence. This type of action is no longer acceptable. It’s time to raise the bar and set new standards.

Membership Strength /Actual Votes:

The question that keeps ringing in my mind is: How does party membership strength equates actual votes?

How the APC leadership came about 28million targeted figure for members registration is still unknown to me. However, is this enough to sway votes for or against any party? 

Is electoral victory based upon the strength of party membership or members of the voting public that actually cast their votes on Election Day?

It will help any party’s aspiration if they allow members of the public to WILLINGLY join their fold without any coercion. Such people in my view being personally convinced will likely go out of their ways to educate their circle of influence on the need for change, to really spend and be spent for the party. It’s my considered opinion that anything outside this is self deception on the party’s part, electorates will votes according to what they have purposed to do, its still a closed ballot system, so nothing to fear. 

This isn’t ruling out the fact that some may be swayed by money politics to their own disadvantage and our collective loss of course. 

Party Ideology:

Its time the APC begins to market to the people their ideology and programs for Nigeria and how they intend to solve the myriads of problems bedeviling us. It’s not enough to just write news report everyday criticizing the ruling party on every move. Nigerians are interested in their developmental agenda for the country if they get to power. 

We need to understand the kind of change the party is bringing our way, is it going to be a rounded  and an all inclusive transformation or a marginal one? Will the poor standard of living that’s the lot of many Nigerian masses and poor citizens be a thing of the past, or the rich will be getting richer still? We need issue based debates. We need a proper articulation of the APC’s policy thrust for Nigeria. This in my opinion will swing the vast of electorates in their favour.

Nigerians will be watching if there will be internal democracy in the party or mere selections and imposition of candidates. Any mistake in this regard will definitely become the party’s waterloo.

Conclusively can the APC turn the massive goodwill they presently have from the Nigerian populace to political gain? Will they be willing to fulfill the desires and aspiration of the Nigerian citizens?  Will there be emphasis on the quality and credibility of candidates for the various positions or just a change of the set of a plutocrats with another?

The days ahead will determine how formidable the opposition APC will be, or may be it’s just business as usual and the difference is only in party name, logo and slogans.

Until then…

“Victory often goes to the army that makes the least mistakes, not the most brilliant plans.”

– Charles de Gaulle,18th President of the French Republic

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