Steer Clear Of Our Presidential Elections — France Issues Stern Warning To Russia


“After what happened in the United States, it is our responsibility to take all steps necessary to ensure that the integrity of our democratic process is fully respected,” he told parliament. The warning came as aides to one of the leading French candidates this week accused Russia of trying to derail his bid. A spokesman for the staunchly pro-Europe Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday accused Moscow of being behind a flurry of cyberattacks on Macron’s campaign website and email servers over the past month. “Half of the attacks, and there are hundreds a day, come from Ukraine, which is known for its links to hackers and people responsible for cyberattacks in Russia,” Benjamin Griveaux said, accusing the Kremlin of trying to boost conservative nominee Francois Fillon and far-right candidate Marine Le Pen, both of whom urge closer ties to Russia. Macron’s aides have also accused the state-owned Russia Today (RT) channel and the Sputnik news agency of waging a smear campaign against the 39-year-old former economy minister. They have pointed to a Sputnik interview with a pro-Fillon lawmaker titled “Ex-French Economy Minister Macron Could Be ‘US Agent’” as an example of Russia’s alleged bias. The article also quoted the lawmaker as saying Macron was backed by a “wealthy gay lobby”. Macron, who is married, last week denied rumours of having had a gay affair. – Denials from Moscow – Moscow on Tuesday vehemently denied the Macron camp’s allegations of meddling. “We never had, and do not have, the intention of interfering in the domestic affairs of other countries, and especially not in their electoral process,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. RT and Sputnik echoed the denial. In December, the country’s digital security service, ANSSI, had warned of the risk of cyberattacks during the campaign. Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian had also warned against the “massive dissemination of fake news”. Earlier Wednesday, French President Francois Hollande asked his security cabinet to brief him on the “specific vigilance and protection measures being taken during the electoral campaign, including in the cyber domain”, the presidency said. Hollande, who is not himself seeking re-election, did not say what kind of threat the two-stage April 23-May 7 presidential election faces, nor did he point the finger at any group or country. But the call comes in the midst of a furore over Russia’s alleged interference in the US campaign that has already forced out one of Trump’s top aides. Trump’s national security advisor Michael Flynn resigned on Monday after it was revealed that he misled top officials over his contacts with Russia during the campaign. The revelations have added to suspicions over Russia’s role in the election. US intelligence agencies had already accused Russian intelligence of hacking Democratic Party emails that embarrassed Trump’s rival Hillary Clinton. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose country will hold a general election in September, has also voiced fears that Moscow could try to influence the vote through cyberattacks or disinformation. For Adverts Inquiries, call 08033857245; To Receive News Updates, WhatsApp: 08083609209; To Publish Your Articles Or News Stories, Email READ ALSO! Flying Bird Allegedly Falls From Sky In Lagos, Reportedly Turns To An Old Woman (PHOTOS) READ ALSO! READ What This Pretty Female Teacher Did With 3 Young Boys: You Will Be Shocked! READ ALSO ! This Doctor Filmed Himself Having Sex With Patient: What Happened Next Will Shock You! READ ALSO! I Never Knew There Was Something Sweet In Women Until I Married — ‘Virgin’ Pastor]]>