UN Urges Nigeria To Rescue All Chibok Girls, Ensure Schooling

nigeria chibok

Girls who were abducted by Boko Haram from Chibok and Damasak in Borno State in April and November 2014, “continue to be subjected to rape, sexual slavery, forced marriage and impregnation by Boko Haram insurgents,” the panel said. Nigeria’s presidency referred a request for comment to the ministry of women’s affairs. The ministry was not immediately available for comment. In May, Nigerian officials said that the Chibok girls found last year would be going back to school in September. “Of course we commended (Nigeria) for the rescue of 100 of them who are currently, we’re told, kept in Abuja, going through psycho-social counselling,” panel member Hilary Gbedemah told Reuters. Many girls in the northeast have dropped out of school due to the insurgency and schools must be secured to protect students, the panel said. To Receive Free News Updates, Add To Your WhatsApp: 08033857245; For Adverts Enquiries, Call 08083609209, To Publish Your Articles Or News Stories, Email editor@skytrendnews.com. ]]>