WATCH VIDEO: Exposed – Grave Health Hazards Accompanying Imported Frozen Turkey, Chicken


Pls watch the video below. It is a secretly shot Video of the recklessness,  callousness and grave health hazards accompanying the frozen turkey/chicken being imported or smuggled into Nigeria through Cotonou. 
Actually, those turkeys/chickens are not matured enough for consumption. But because Nigeria has the highest poultry consumer market in Africa due to our predominant population, & the exporters in Europe don't have enough matured chickens/turkeys to meet our high daily market demands, they've been using dangerous steroids & allied chemicals to enhance & transform their poultry products into "Mega chickens/turkeys. It was recently discovered that they now inject and boost their little little immatured chickens/turkeys with special chemicals to make them instantly super big. 
These chickens & turkeys are then further sprayed/ preserved with  Formaldehyde (formalen), which is another chemical used to embalm dead bodies, & not safe for human consumption.  
In fact, what our people have been consuming are hazardous chemicals criminally masked as poultry products.  That's  why Nigeria now has the highest rates of unprecedented cancer & kidney diseases in the whole of Africa. 
So, please if you want to eat chicken/turkey, it's advisable to buy a live one and slaughter it yourself. That is a lot safer. The native one preferably.