Will somebody WAKE UP THE PRESIDENT..   Nigerians and their children are being MASSACRED by Boko Haram everyday….

The first time it was reported that our friends, our mothers, fathers, children, brothers, sisters were being butchered in churches, in their homes, in their schools, in their dormitories, in their colleges; there was a cry of horror. Then later, it was scores, now in multiples, and more are butchered, more and more, and still they kept quiet. 

Now there is no end to the butchery, a blanket of silence spreads, not enough anymore to wipe the tears, the pains,the sorrow,the neglect,the charade of opposition,the incompetence.When evil-doing comes like falling rain, nobody calls out “stop” especially when your weakness is always not taking a stand. 

“A leader without principles is a failure, a leader who cannot take a stand on vital sensitive issues is a failure, a leader always smiling to crave for friendship, for power when “there is a boiling pot on his head” will not realize when the vapour of the hot liquid drops into his eyes”. 

A leader who surrounds himself with snakes called elder statesmen should be ready to build “baskets for their evil eggs of deceit” when it hatches…..

Will somebody “WAKE UP THE PRESIDENT”?!

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