2015 Presidency: I Depend On God, Nigerians For Victory, Says Jonathan


President Goodluck Jonathan says his hope for victory in the February 14 presidential election is based on the blessing of God as well as the support and confidence of the majority of Nigerians, Daily Trust reports.
The president noted that he was going into the poll to legitimately seek Nigerians’ mandate for further service, consolidation and continuity of the country’s progress.
Jonathan spoke at Legacy House, Maitama in Abuja yesterday at the inauguration of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Campaign Organisation, headed by a former national chairman of the party, Senator Ahmadu Ali.
He said: “With all our party leaders and members, we are going into this election season to legitimately seek our peoples’ mandate for further service, consolidation and continuity of progress for our country. We must place our hope for victory in nothing else but the support and confidence of the great majority of our people and the blessing of Almighty God.”
Stressing further that he was also personally counting on his campaign team, the president said: “I ask you to take on this assignment for your great party, for Goodluck Jonathan and Namadi Sambo and also, more importantly, for the country as a whole.”
The president assured that he would ensure that Nigerians’ votes count and that their will prevails, “as it should, in every true democracy.”
Noting that the whole world is watching Nigeria as the country goes to the polls this year, Jonathan expressed optimism that the country would surely get the forthcoming election right.
He said the forthcoming elections undoubtedly marked a critical point in Nigeria’s history, saying: “The eyes of the international community are focused on the transition that lies ahead of us; the fifth post-military rule general elections that will be conducted under a civilian dispensation in Nigeria. The world is asking: will Nigeria get it right? My categorical response to that is: Yes, we must. And surely, we will. It is your duty to ensure that through your campaigns and activities, this primary objective is not lost.”
 He said his commitment to free, fair, credible and violence-free elections remained unshaken, asking members of his campaign team to make such their own commitment as they go to the field to seek Nigerians’ mandate once again.
Source: Daily Trust
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