Buying a property can be like a psychological game of poker, which involves very huge stake, and many risks involved.

So, it’s very advisable to prepare well for it if you want to avoid making mistakes of any kind.

Thus, having a list of possible questions to ask your estate agent when purchasing a property can keep those emotions in check and aid you focus on the main issues when viewing a property or going for site inspection.

Also, your real estate agent is bound to answer all the necessary questions concerning the property you are about to purchase.

1) The Property’s Location: This is a very important question to ask your estate agent, get to know more about the location of the prospective property.

This can help prevent some big negative factors you won’t want to deal with later in the future or when you finally acquire the property.

For instance, noisy neighborhoods, high crime rates, poor transport links, and more.

Meanwhile, some estate agents may question your readiness to purchase the property and you can easily explain better why you need to know.

You must never be reluctant to enquire about such significant factors before making your purchase.

Also, don’t forget to research or ask questions concerning the basic amenities in that location.

For example, electricity rate, water, leisure centres, malls, schools and even its nearness to any health facility.

2) The Property’s documents:

After you must have gotten your desired location, the next most important issue is the Land or property documents.

This is very essential; you must know the title and the documents your intending property possesses.

Also, ensure they’re accurate, well registered and are the legal documents for that particular property to avoid issues springing up later in the future.

It’s a big red flag for you to continue with any transaction if the owner can’t provide the necessary documents to the intending property.

These are some of the necessary documents you should ask of;
•Certificate of Occupancy (C of O)
•Excision and Gazette
•Survey Plan
•Deed of Assignment
•And others.

With these listed documents above, they’re a proper guide for you to use and check if the property is under government acquisition or not.

You can hire the services of a professional if confuse about any information in the document.

3) Reason for listing the property for sale:

It’s not a bad idea if you decide to know the reason for it being listed especially when it’s a private owned property, not a company’s property.

Knowing this will give you more details on the property and help make a rapid conclusion as well.

Even though majority of investors don’t like asking this particular question as they feel, they may be asking too much or out of context but you have the right to know if desired.

Also, discovering the purposemay give you a better insight on how best to push forward with your negotiations.

You can as well research the reason for the property being list to avoid being duped and to ensure you’re on the right track.

4) Time spend being a real estate agent:

You can also enquire about how long your estate agent has been in the real estate sector.

That’ll help you know whether you’re dealing with an expert or an amateur and guide you on how to make decisions concerning the property.

5) Easy Accessibility:

You need to know how easily accessible is the property to the nearest road network or the transport system. Also, how good is the road network.

In the beginning, it may seem as it’s not so important but with time, you’ll find out it’s a very important question to ask most especially here in Nigeria. This can save you many future headaches and stress.

6) Is the Property Surveyed?

In addition to the documents, you have to be sure you’re acquiring the property from the original owner.

With a survey document, a professional surveyor can easily locate the boundaries of the property or land being purchase.

Therefore, it’s important you ask if the property is surveyed.

7) The property worth in the market:

If truly you’re working with a good real estate agent, the person will make available their justifications for the price the property is being listed, so you can easily judge.

These justifications can be in terms of different properties with similar prices, location, different layout — with plenty of comparable options.

Thus, you don’t overpay for a property not worth the value.

You can ask your agent about the property’s worth in the market or you undergo your personal research that can give you an edge or an idea in deciding on the property you want to invest in.

8) The minimum asking price:

This can help you save some costs, it’s advisable you ask for the minimum asking price the owner or company is willing to sell the property.

Estate agents will often give you a hint because they definitely want to make a sale even at a reduced price.

So, don’t be reluctant to ask for negotiation over the price the property is being listed.

9) The Total Expenses:

Finally, you need to know every cost that is involved in the property about to purchase, ensure there are no hidden charges.

If possible, let the expenses be properly noted in a document both you and the original owner of the property can sign.

With this question, you can avoid over spending your fund on hidden charges.

Like here in Nigeria’s real estate sector, hidden charges can be in development fee, the survey fee, estate monthly maintenance charges.

Ensure you know about all the total expenses and if comfortable with it, then you can proceed to make payment.

In conclusion, investment in real estate is very profitable and efficient once done with the right knowledge.

To avoid any regrettable circumstances, prepare and ensure you ask these important questions listed in this article and even more questions if you wish to know anything that bothers you.

Dennis Isong Helps Individuals Invest Right In Real Estate.

For Questions On This Article Or Enquiring About Real Estate Email: or Whatsapp/Call +2348164741041

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