Buhari Should Be Praised For Defeating The PDP — Gov Sule Lamido


Jigawa State governor, Sule Lamido, has said Nigerians should praise General Buhari for wrestling the presidency from the ruling People's Democratic Party, adding that the party (PDP) has made very costly mistakes that led to its sudden fall from power.

The PDP governor spoke to State House correspondents on Thursday night after meeting with President Goodluck Jonathan in his residence at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, stating that the party made these “very costly mistakes” because it was unable to properly manage its successes in the last 16 years of being in charge of the country.
.“In any case, the Nigerian people have said yes to the APC. They have spoken in very loud and unmistaken ways. The voting was very unambiguous and so we respect their choice and their rights and we praise Buhari for being able to take the ticket from the PDP. Although I am not happy, it is Nigeria that won not Buhari", Governor Lamido added.
Jonathan lost woefully in the March 28 presidential election in Jigawa, Lamido’s state.
Lamido endorsed the election of Gen Muhammed Buhari (rtd), the president-elect, saying whoever becomes a president is Nigeria’s president and not a president for a particular region.
Noting that the PDP is the architect of its own misfortune, he said, “I am sure if you know the party’s (PDP’s) history, with what it went through in the last 16 years, it has the capacity to bounce back.
“The PDP made some mistakes. I have been saying so; very, very costly mistakes and we have not been able to properly manage our successes. But to me, I don’t think quitting PDP is the answer.”
Asked to comment on the public perception that PDP governors who lost their states to the opposition did not do their homework, the governor said it was not proper to engage in a blame game.
“We won’t go into blame game. In what way will this blame change the attitude of the crowd? Leadership is a very huge burden and it is normal for followers to chip in, in order to look at things from their own perspective.
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“In any case, the Nigerian people have said yes to the APC. They have spoken in very loud and unmistaken ways. The voting was very unambiguous and so we respect their choice and their rights and we praise Buhari for being able to take the ticket from the PDP. Although I am not happy, it is Nigeria that won not Buhari.
“None of them lost but Nigeria won and so enough of the anxiety, enough of the worry and the fear in Africa. It was so intense you will not believe it ,as confirmed by the chairperson of African Union and other international friends who have called thanking Nigerians for really saving Nigeria and also saving Africa. So, I also say thank you Nigeria for saving Africa and saving Nigeria.”
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