Daily-Need restates commitment to quality at 50


Daily-Need Industries has pledged to continuously deliver quality products to consumers.

This is as it celebrated 50 years of manufacturing in Nigeria.

The indigenous brand founded by industrialist, Oyin Jolayemi, which commenced manufacturing on November 17, 1972, has been in business since 1968.

The Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the company, Mr Oluwatosin Jolayemi, in a press conference in Lagos, said it was a difficult task having to convince investors and distributors to choose their brands over foreign ones when they began.

However, according to him, the tenacity of the brand made it stand the test of time, making it a household name in the pharmaceuticals and food production business.

Daily-Need restates commitment to quality at 50

He said, “As at the time we commenced manufacturing in 1972 and even to this day, there has always been a preference for imported goods at the expense of locally manufactured ones.

“Even now, importers of foreign products who are not really providing employment to Nigerians are having a good day over local manufacturers. It was a huge task getting our first product accepted by distributors because consumers didn’t want a ‘local’ product. It took a lot of courage, commitment to quality and drive to stay on course through all these years.

“We are celebrating triumphs over difficulties in the last 50 years. From our humble start, we are today a foremost pharmaceutical manufacturing company with over 15 pharmaceutical brands in our portfolio. Today, we are a member of a thriving business group. Perhaps, more importantly, we remain the wholly-owned indigenous manufacturing company in Nigeria to own a CPMG, WHO-compliant factory with the capacity to service the entire African market.

“As we get set to commence the journey of the next 50 years, we look forward to a much more favourable environment and improved infrastructure in our country to ease the challenges being faced by committed manufacturers in this country.”