Debt Management Office Releases FGN Bond Issuance Calendar For Q3 2022


The Debt Management Office (DMO) of Nigeria has released its FGN bond issuance calendar for the third quarter of 2022. This is contained in a document released by the DMO on its website.

According to the press release, the issuance for the quarter under review will be held on 18th July, 15th August, and 19th of September, all of which will be in three tranches each.

Bonds that will be issued on the 18th of July 2022 include 7-year 13.53% FGN March 2025 Bond with a maturity term of 2 years and 8 months, a 10-year 12.50% FGN April 2032 due 9 years and 9 months, and a 20-year 13.00% FGB Jan 2042, maturing in 19 years and 6 months.

Debt Management Office Releases FGN Bond Issuance Calendar For Q3 2022

Similarly, on 15th August and 19th September, the 7-year 13.53% FGN March 2025, 12.5% FGN April 2032, and the 20-year 13.00% FGB Jan 2042 will be re-issued.

Also, for each of the tranches to be issued, the Federal Government seeks to raise between N70 and N80 billion.