Education And The Role Of Teachers, By Ogbeide Ifaluyi-Isibor


Education is the life wire of any Nation and teachers are the backbone of Education.
Without teachers, there would have been no me and there would have been no you.We were all framed and our dispositions formed in one way or the other by teachers.We therefore cannot brand ourselves achievers without recourse to the input and impute of our Teachers.
The teaching Profession is about the most dignified there is and as a result those who have trained to become teachers by Profession or Vocation must be accorded some honour and dignity.
The Welfare of teachers must take centre stage in any serious Government because a society cannot function beyond the level of information therein just as teachers play a vital role in entrenching the tenets of sound learning and information dissemination.There's an axiom that says " The reward of the teacher is in heaven",this is said because no amount of money can be paid for the sacrifice a teacher makes in training children,but shall we then neglect the importance of celebrating them because their services are invaluable!!
Government must focus on the wellbeing,wellness and welfare of one of our Societies best.We must initiate training and retraining programs for our teachers to better equip them in accordance with Global best practices that they may Give their best to our Children who are the leaders of tomorrow.

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