Elon Musk plans to introduce monthly charges on X to combat bot issues

Elon Musk plans to introduce monthly charges on X to combat bot issues
Elon Musk plans to introduce monthly charges on X to combat bot issues

During a live-streamed conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Tesla CEO and X owner, Elon Musk, announced that the microblogging platform X, formerly known as Twitter, will soon introduce a monthly subscription fee for its users.

While Musk did not specify the exact amount or the launch date, he indicated that it would be a “small monthly payment” amounting to “a few dollars.”

The move comes as a response to the challenge of combating bots on the platform.

Monthly user fees on X to counter bot activity

Musk explained that charging a small fee for usage was the most effective way to address the issue.

He emphasized that bots, which are currently a significant problem on the platform, cost only a fraction of a penny to operate.

However, requiring users to make a payment, even a minor one, would significantly increase the cost of running bots and deter their use.

X recently started compensating content creators who subscribe to X Premium, known as Twitter Blue.

With the introduction of monthly charges for all users, X aims to further address issues related to bot activity.

Musk acknowledged that as AI technology advances, bots are becoming increasingly sophisticated and proficient at passing CAPTCHA tests.

He believes that implementing a subscription fee is the most practical defense against the proliferation of bot accounts.

The conversation between Musk and Netanyahu also touched on the power of artificial intelligence, with the Israeli Prime Minister describing AI as having both positive and negative aspects, often referred to as a “demon with good and bad sides.”