Group Urges Nigerian Govt To Release Biafran Separatist Leader, Nnamdi Kanu


The National Coordinator of Move on Nigeria, a civic and political action group has called for the immediate and unconditional release of the founder of Radio Biafra Mr. Nnamdi Kanu whose continuous detention by the Federal Government he said is a violation of free press, free speech and the peoples’ right to self-determination.
In a release made available to journalists in Lagos, Mr. Aguiyi said the arrest and detention of Kanu cannot stop the pro Biafra agitation because Kanu is only a messenger. 
Mr. Aguiyi who said he is opposed to the Radio Biafra’s often repeated violent rhetoric nevertheless condemned the Federal government for being highhanded in approaching the issue warning that killings and intimidation by security forces can never be a solution. 
His words: ‘The Federal Government cannot command the loyalty and cooperation of the Igbo by sheer brute force and intimidation without addressing the root course of the people’s agitation. If a referendum is conducted today between Nigeria and the Biafra State, it is most likely 85% of the people  will vote for independent state of Biafra because people are tired of running in circles without making progress.’
According to Mr. Aguiyi, President Buhari and the APC led government have betrayed the hope for change by being too sectional and parochial in their approach to governance but can still make Biafra unattractive by implementing the CONFAB report and returning the country to regionalism along the six geopolitical zones.   
He cautioned the Federal Government to do nothing to push the Biafra agitators underground as doing so will be dangerous for the survival of Nigeria. The Federal Government he charged should release Nnamdi Kanu and all the pro Biafra agitators languishing in prisons across the country.
The government should be willing to engage the non-violent pro-Biafra agitators with a view to addressing their legitimate grievances.