How And On Which Front Are Youths Taking Over?


This feedback from one of our readers was in response to the article Letter To IBB And Obasanjo: New Generation Takeover Imminent by Dr Peregrino Brimah published yesterday. We encourage feedback from our audience for balance and objectivity.

So what is new? How and on which fronts are the youths taking over? 

It is good to look back at the past if only for the purpose of avoiding past mistakes and forging a new and better frontier. Dr Brimah’s treaties did not address the present, today as he calls it, nor the future as he, we, want it, in terms of action and plan. 

Nigerian youths have arrived? (due acknowledgement and respect to those who truly have) Where? On social media and their favourite ‘occupy’ spots often with misdirected fervour? Check recent history and tell me where that left, you know where, #ArapSpringSpinoffs.

The ideals and guiding principles of our youths should not be to kill anybody and/or tumble government/s, it should be change ‘in’ government and governance. There are brigands, in every generation including ours.

How? In re:change ‘in’ government and governance. 1. Where youths have opportunity to lead, lead well and exemplarily. 2. Strife to and become successful in business/profitable enterprises so as to have financial power to back your ‘good’ candidates. 3. Get into the political arena whether for elective, support or pressure purposes. 4. Pray, by no means the least. Pray that while those who seek self interest and/or are incapable of leading are removed, our youths who také over will have the courage to resist greed and the vagaries of power and work for the benefit of the general populace. 

Until, I see, feel and experience productive transitional change powered by us youths in the political arena, until then, we will know we youths have indeed arrived and ready to take over!

Eno Ebito a lawyer and an Executive of the Centre For Patriotic Leadership Initiative (CPLI) writes from Lagos.                

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