I'll Ensure All Corrupt Nigerian Politicians End Up In Kirikiri, Says Buhari


Nigeria's opposition candidate for the oncoming presidential election, General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd.) has said he will send all corrupt Nigerian politicians to jail once he is elected president of the country.
The former head of state, known for his anti-corruption posture made the statement on Tuesday during the All Progressive Congress, (APC) campaign rally  held in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state, adding that he would close all loopholes through which money was being siphoned out of the country.
“When we come into power, anyone who steals Nigerian money will end up in Kirikiri Maximum Prisons. We are going to make sure that Nigeria’s wealth belongs only to Nigerians,” he said.
"Nigeria would not have faced the economic downturn if the country had invested in agriculture.
"Nigeria used to export tin and columbite but all of a sudden, it stopped producing and exporting these minerals with the belief that the country has oil.
"Many industries had shut down operation because of epileptic power supply. Nigerian producers were not able to compete in the international market because of huge cost of generating alternative power.
"My government would create over three million jobs yearly to take care of the jobless youths.
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