Tension mounts as opposition forces plot impeachment of senate president Akpabio

Tension mounts as opposition forces plot impeachment of senate president Akpabio
Tension mounts as opposition forces plot impeachment of senate president Akpabio

As the Senate gears up to resume its legislative activities later this month, a formidable group of top politicians is reportedly determined to unseat Senate President Godswill Akpabio.

The dissidents are purportedly frustrated by what they perceive as Akpabio’s excessive allegiance to President Tinubu, rather than prioritizing the interests of fellow lawmakers and the Nigerian populace.

Critics argue that Akpabio’s close relationship with the President has diverted his attention away from his colleagues and has hindered his efforts to address the pressing issues facing the country.

It is alleged that certain disgruntled Senators, led by two former North West governors, intend to exploit a recent verbal misstep by Akpabio as grounds for his removal.

Akpabio’s impeachment over alleged alignment with Tinubu

A reliable source within the National Assembly disclosed that the anti-Akpabio faction had convened numerous meetings in Saudi Arabia and Ilorin, during which they plotted his potential impeachment upon the Senate’s resumption.

One source in the National Assembly shed light on the situation, stating, “Senator Akpabio’s perceived ‘transgressions’ include his reportedly subservient relationship with President Bola Tinubu.

The inadvertent remark made by the Senate President on the day of the recess’s adjournment, albeit a minor one, has been seized upon as the foundation for the plan to ‘trip him up.'”

Although the Senate President has subsequently clarified the context of his comment and formally withdrawn it, the gaffe appears to have unsettled many of his colleagues who had publicly voiced their concerns.

The ongoing events are believed to be part of preparations for the 2027 general elections, where the plotters anticipate launching a new “hybrid party.”

This political platform is expected to attract members from the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) and opposition parties, particularly the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).