IPLA Endorses Peter Gregory Obi

IPLA Endorses Peter Gregory Obi

Imo Progressive Lawyers Association (IPLA) is an association of progressively minded lawyers of Imo State extraction anywhere they may be found.

They are registered in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria with the motto: Maka odi nanma ndi Imo (which literarily means for the good of the people
of Imo state, and ndi Igbo).

IPLA has continuously lived up to its mandate in responding to issues affecting governance and justice both in Imo State, ala Igbo and Nigeria in general.

Having been active observers and participants of the social, economic and political developments in Imo State and the country in general since the inception of the association, we are equally interested in the forthcoming 2023 general elections, including the preparations, conduct and the final outcomes. In line with these, we
held a special general meeting on the 14th of January, 2023 where the following decisions were reached:

1. IPLA notes that the Presidential and National Assembly elections scheduled to hold on Saturday, 25th February 2023 offers a vista of hope for the emergence of a new Nigeria.

2. IPLA further recalls that the experience of the average Nigerian since the return to democratic rule has been unsavory due to massive governance failings across all tiers of government aggravated by the underperformance of the various political office holders.

IPLA Endorses Peter Gregory Obi

3. IPLA reiterates that the past eight years has been particularly nightmarish. Across sectors such as the economy, security, education, rule of law, human rights, food security, employment, the expected benefits promised to Nigerians were never delivered as millions of citizens groaned in excruciating poverty.

Consequently, the average Nigerian feels frustrated, tired, hopeless and desperate for a new Nigeria that works for all.

Recognizing that this state of affairs must be discontinued, IPLA resolved as follows:

1. IPLA unanimously adopts the tripartite ethos of Competence, Capacity, and Character echoed by many well-meaning Nigerians and popularized by the presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Mr. Peter Obi.

2. Having examined the manifestoes of all the Presidential candidates of the various political parties, IPLA hereby unanimously endorses the candidacy of the flagbearer of the Labour Party, Mr. Peter Gregory Obi for the office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

3. This endorsement stems from the collective belief that he best represents the transformation that Nigerian so badly needs today. We hereby call on all Nigerians irrespective of tribe, gender, religion or colour to come out on
Saturday, 25th February 2023 and cast their votes for the most competent

Finally, IPLA calls on the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari and all security agencies to ensure a level playing field for all political parties and their candidates during the general elections. We cannot afford to do otherwise.