Commodity market to drive GDP growth – Expert

Commodity market to drive GDP growth - Expert
Commodity market to drive GDP growth - Expert

Dr. Abubakar Muhammad, a prominent financial expert, has expressed his confidence in the idea that unlocking the potential of the commodities sector is the path toward a sustainable economic renaissance in Nigeria.

He emphasized that despite the country’s sluggish economic growth, which has pushed millions into poverty, Nigeria’s expected average growth rate of 3.4 percent from 2023 to 2025 is attainable through substantial investment in the commodity sector.

Muhammad, who serves as the Chairman of Assetium Capital Management Limited, a commodity broker/dealer company, conveyed these thoughts during a press conference held to introduce the firm in Abuja.

At the event, Kelvin Ihongbe, a Director on the company’s board, emphasized that harnessing the potential of the commodity market is key to achieving food security, aligning with the objectives of President Bola Tinubu’s administration.

He stated, “With commodity investment, you can’t go wrong. If you also noticed, the president has also talked about food security, and with commodity investment, you can rest assured that there will be food security.

That is why we want to use this business to provide food security, employment opportunities for Nigerian youths, and value for everyone’s money.”

Kunle Awoluyi, the Chief Executive of the firm, highlighted the establishment of a risk management committee within the organization to ensure sound advice on every investment and risk decision.

Muhammad affirmed the company’s dedication to establishing a significant presence as a major player in the commodities sector.

He also noted that Assetium Capital Management Limited is resolute in its commitment to attracting investors seeking opportunities within the commodities space, facilitating their participation on licensed commodities exchanges, and exploring the vast potential of the export market.