Must Read!!! 7 Interesting Tips to Keep Away Burglars From Your Home During Vacation


Your home is meant to be safe round-the-clock even when you are on vacation. However, something sinister could go wrong like robbers bugling your home or a sudden fire. 
You wouldn’t want your mouth agape when you return from your travel to find some missing items or you receive an emergency call that your house is on fire. 
In metropolitan cities like Lagos, Kano and Port Harcourt, it is ever more important because of the security situation. You find homes with high fences, burglary proof windows and doors, all in a bid to ward-off criminally minded persons.
But still, desperate gangs still find ways to access your home especially when you out. The truth is that you can’t take your home along with you. What will you do?, Africa’s No 1 Online Hotel Booking Portal shares some tips on how to keep your home safe when you are on vacation.
Request for Help
It is not like you are requesting for someone to watch over your home when you are away. It is just hinting a trusted friend or neighbour that you will be going on a long vacation and in case of any emergency that such a friend should call you. At least, you will have someone keeping an eye on your home.
Don’t Post Info on social media
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and others are undeniably part of our daily lives now. Some people can’t do without it. They post anything and everything on Facebook and twitter. Social media has its advantage and disadvantages. Thus, it is advisable that travellers desist from sharing their travel information on social media. This is because you can’t censor the people that can view such information.
Turn off Lights
Many are in the habit of leaving their lights-on whether they are home or not. In other circumstances, some people leave their lights-on to give the impression that someone is home. This is quite unnecessary. It is better you switch off your lights. It will ensure that your bills doesn’t pile up before you return. In addition, it will seem a bit awkward if your light is on throughout the day daily. It may attract unwanted attention.    
Close Curtains
It is safety wise to close your curtain when you are not home. It will stop people from examining your room. This, arguably, may help them position themselves to ransack your home. Just bring down the curtains.
Disconnect All Plugs
This is another undying practice among many. They forget to disconnect all plugs. This may lead to fire especially in a place where power keeps going off and on. Your appliances may just get damaged due to electricity surge before you return. You can centrally shut down power.
Remove spare keys
We all do this. We keep our spare keys somewhere that we think is safe and out of the gaze of onlookers. However, we know that this is a huge risk. We are always praying that nobody finds the keys. Perhaps, what we should do here is that we keep changing the position of our keys. In addition, it is logical not to give your keys to neighbours if you don’t trust them. 
Ensure all doors are locked
Double check before you leave to ensure that you have securely locked all your doors and disconnected all electrical plugs.
Adeniyi Ogunfowoke, Travel/Technology Writer,  +2348090747241, Skype: Sleeksavvy

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