Reflections With Funmi: Happy New YOU!


Its a new year, welcome to 2014! My very best wishes to you in every area of endeavour this 2014.

”Great hope makes everything great possible” – Benjamin Franklin, stateman.

”I dont know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody” – Bill Cosby, Comedian

”Its in the nature of man to rise to greatness, if greatness is expected of him” John Steinbeck, Author

The year dawned with hopes, merriment and aspiration for most of us, some actually have new year resolution of things to do, things to stop doing, target to achieve and all sorts.

Some people’s new year resolution may not survive even today before it is broken. This clearly shows it goes beyond just making a wish, there is a doing part that calls our resolve to achieve set goals to task, that makes a demand on us to keep going even when it seems we reaching our goals is difficult, that serves as our driving force to attain all we have set out to achieve in this new year and in life.

Most of us know about the ‘SMART’ rules of goal-setting and we have applied same over time, yet, we experienced burn out in some areas not because we don’t apply ourselves enough, but things happens at times that we can’t just explain why they do…

I encourage you to make choices that are in line with your decisions for the new year, don’t strive to please everyone but work in accordance with your decisions to achieve a greater you and make the world a better place per time.

Be ready to activate that inner dynamism needed to see you through, you need to see a new and better you this year, you need to bring your best to the fore; our world can no longer do with anything less than the very best from you.

Don’t forget to keep hope alive irrespective of the challenges that 2014 may throw up, I say to you, you can do it; whatever it is you can pull through, and if there’s any failure on the way, treat is as a learning curve to a better way of achieving greatness, all in all, don’t forget, it’s a year that we need the real you that God created you to be. 

So that we can all have a really new year, let’s celebrate ourselves this year by being the best we can ever be – that’s the real deal.

To Nigerians and friends of Nigeria as we celebrate this Centenary year, let’s be the best that we can be as individuals and collectively as a people.

On this very happy and optimistic note, I wish you a happy new year once again and a very HAPPY NEW YOU!!!

Thanks for letting me in on your first day of a new year.

Funmi Adewola is a Protocol and Logistics Administrator. She writes in from Lagos.

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