Saraki A Traitor And Serial Betrayer; He Should Be Sent To Back Seat Of Senate Where He Belongs — APC


The All Progressives Congress (APC) yesterday launched a verbal attack on President of the Senate, Dr. Bukola Saraki, describing him as a traitor and serial betrayer of family and political associates. Acting National Publicity Secretary of APC, Mr. Yekini Nabena, who launched the attack following Saraki’s defection from the ruling party, urged senators to impeach Saraki, saying he was not fit to lead members of the red chamber.

Nabena, in a statement, said that in every democratic country, the position of the Senate president was one of the highest political offices reserved for experienced and exemplary politicians who, by their character and conduct in public offices, could serve as a role model for the younger generation. “A traitor will always be a traitor, however the time and place.

The Senate must do everything possible to put Dr. Saraki where he rightly belong – the back seat. He is definitely not a fit and proper person to preside over the country’s upper and revered legislative house. “A man who betrayed his father, sister (many times); his party, PDP, in 2014 and APC in 2015 by conspiring with opposition PDP senators to emerge Senate president; APC administration, by sabotaging the executive and defecting to PDP in 2018, has no character, principles, values and integrity. “His only interest is Bukola Saraki, Bukola Saraki and Bukola Saraki.

The question is not if he will defect again from PDP if Bukola Saraki’s interest is not served, but when he will do so. Such men are not interested in the Nigeria of our dreams,” he said. APC argued that in terms of exemplary personage, Saraki had been a dismal failure and having allegedly been involved in controversies such as budget padding, filibustering, legislative rascality and sabotage of matters of national interest, among others. According to APC, Saraki will go down in Nigeria’s history as the worst Senate president Nigeria has had the misfortune to have, stressing that he was not a good example in political leadership.

“Since his usurpation of the coveted seat, achieved through a wicked conspiracy with members of the opposition PDP, it has been from one controversy to an-otherthe Code of Conduct trial for false declaration of assets; conspiracy with his deputy to fraudulently alter the rules of the Senate and links to the deadly armed robbers who wasted many lives in the Offa robbery attack.

It is alleged that some of the robbery suspects were his political thugs used to rig elections. “All over the world, the leadership of the legislature is provided by the political party with majority members. But Dr. Saraki would, in the absence of many members of his former party, APC, connive and conspire with members of the opposition PDP to emerge Senate president and in the process trade-off the deputy Senate president position to the opposition PDP – a political betrayal and treachery even the devil would be envious of.

“Even at this time he has defected to the opposition PDP and with APC still in the majority in the Senate, Dr. Saraki still has the impudence to present himself as the Senate president. Political ambition should be made of nobler stuff,” he said In a swift reaction, Special Adviser to the Senate President on Media and Publicity, Yusuph Olaniyonu, said that Saraki would not descend to the gutters with his former party. According to Olaniyonu, APC was probably disturbed at its failure to subvert democracy with last Tuesday’s invasion of the National Assembly. “We can’t descend into the gutter with these characters. Apparently, they have not recovered from the shock of their Tuesday’s failed attempt to subvert democracy,” Olaniyonu said.

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