TCN celebrates one year of power grid stability, no system collapses

TCN celebrates one year of power grid stability, no system collapses
TCN celebrates one year of power grid stability, no system collapses

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has proudly announced a significant achievement: it has successfully maintained a power grid without any failures for over a year.

According to TCN spokesperson Ndidi Mbah, this accomplishment marks a remarkable advancement in Nigeria’s efforts to bolster its power infrastructure and ensure a dependable and consistent supply of electricity to distribution centers for distribution to customers across the nation.

Mbah explained that this impressive record of over 400 consecutive days without a major disruption or system collapse in the power grid can be attributed to a combination of strategic measures and investments made in the power system by TCN’s management.

Steps taken to maintain power grid stability for over a year

Key factors contributing to this achievement include the implementation of free governor control and an effective under-frequency relay scheme, among other initiatives.

To ensure the grid’s continued stability, TCN also established a committee responsible for configuring and activating primary reserve in coordination with power stations, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Grid code.

This committee devised a robust monitoring and enforcement mechanism to ensure compliance by generating stations after the unit governor control was activated.

This achievement stands in stark contrast to the history of frequent power grid failures in Nigeria, with over 200 partial and total electricity grid system collapses recorded between January 2010 and June 2022, underscoring the significance of TCN’s achievement in maintaining a stable power grid for over a year.