We Will Liberate Nigeria From Evil People – Jonathan


President Goodluck Jonathan starting the new year with an offensive against persons or people perceived as enemies of the state has said Nigeria must be liberated from evil people.

The president spoke at the first Sunday service held at the Church of Christ In Nations (COCIN) Abuja, adding that no person or group will be allowed to hold the nation to ransom.

He said, “nobody or group can hold this country to ransom. We will collectively liberate this country from any evil person, so that we can leave behind a Nigeria that our children and grandchildren will be proud of”.

President Jonathan also spoke on the Boko Haram insurgency, “Boko Haram is temporary, Boko Haram will surely go. A number of countries are facing similar challenges and some have been able to overcome it and surely we will overcome Boko Haram. Life in the North must change; development must go to all parts of this country”.

He also stressed the fact that the present political strain in the country is a usual occurrence.

“Let me reassure you again that myself and those who have been elected in this period, that the political environment is always noisy all over the world. There is nowhere you won’t hear so much noise. Even the United States of America, not long ago, the country was almost shut down. For so many months people were worried that the country that has practiced democracy for so many years could get to that situation. But that is politics for you.

“But let me reassure you that we will continue to work harder to improve the quality of lives of Nigerians. We are particularly committed to knowing where our challenges are, especially in some parts of the North. We are quite pleased with the measures from the outgoing President (of COCIN) and the measures of the incoming President concerning Boko Haram. We sympathize with those who have been affected by the executions.”

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