Why MTN Must Pay The N1Trn NCC Fine, By John Okiyi Kalu


South Africa seized Nigeria's money meant for the purchase of arms to fight Boko Haram terrorists ostensibly because we did not obey their arms transaction rules. All entreaties to make them return the money fell on deaf ears, to date.
Nigeria made rules that telecom companies should register subscribers to enable us track terrorists who use mobile phones to detonate bombs as well as curb telephone related crimes like "ibu alhaji" aka 419. A South African company, MTN, flouted the rule with impunity thereby endangering the lives and properties of Nigerians.
Consequentially, NCC slammed a fine of N1t on MTN.
I back NCC and President Buhari to fully recover the fine as stipulated by the operational guidelines for telecommunication companies in Nigeria. "Abeg" no dey am at all. Sentiment no dey am.
Either MTN pays fully or we go to the next level of seizing all their assets in Nigeria. We cannot continue to be keepers of brothers who crave our downfall. After all what is good for the geese is good for the gander…"