Climate challenges causing insecurity in Nigeria – Niger Governor

Climate challenges causing insecurity in Nigeria - Niger Governor
Climate challenges causing insecurity in Nigeria - Niger Governor

In a retreat on climate change organized by the Niger State Government for the House of Representatives Press Corps in Minna, Niger State Governor Mohammed Bago asserted that climate change challenges are partly responsible for the increasing insecurity in the country.

The governor, represented by the Niger State Deputy Governor, Yakubu Garba, emphasized that climate change presents a significant challenge for Nigeria, affecting various aspects of the nation.

Governor Bago stated, “In Nigeria, it (climate change) is a matter of concern to governments and experts because it is happening at a very frightening level.

We have problems of flood, desertification, environmental pollution, etc., and despite efforts being made, the devastating effects of climate change are recorded yearly.

Even part of the insecurity we face today is attributed to climate change, which deserves priority attention.”

He also noted that some of these climate-related disasters might be underreported, urging the media to equip themselves to effectively address climate change issues, particularly in the legislative arena.

He emphasized the importance of mainstreaming climate change in the media’s reporting and its influence on legislative and executive decisions.

Governor Bago disclosed the state’s decision to host a Green Economy Summit to prioritize climate change and mitigate natural and man-made disasters.

He expressed the government’s willingness to collaborate with the media to promote climate change awareness and advocate for strategies to elevate climate change issues.

In his keynote address on “The role of the media in mainstreaming climate change policies,” Abubakar Suleiman, Director General of the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies, stressed the media’s responsibility in sensitizing society about the significance of climate change policies in environmental sustainability.

He urged the media to keep the legislature informed about climate change policies and their impacts, emphasizing accountability when policies fall short.

Grace Ike, the chairperson of the House of Representatives Press Corps, highlighted the media’s vital role in information dissemination, noting that the government is actively developing policies to address climate change.

She emphasized the media’s responsibility to effectively communicate and disseminate information related to climate change and government policies.