Goodbye President Jonathan, By Bucky Hassan


Goodbye President Goodluck Jonathan. I can say truthfully that I believe you were one of the worst Presidents to rule over Nigeria. Yes, I have previously 'commended' you for the act of conceding to Buhari, but you were not doing Nigeria a favour when you did that. You lost the elections. You were beaten by almost 3 million votes and a margin of 6 States. In the South West and the North Central, millions who had embraced your candidacy so strongly in 2011, turned against you and voted for your opponent.
You lost because you governed badly. You inherited a financially sound, fairly united country, and within 6 years, had 'transformed' it into a mess! Nigeria is a mess. The economy is crumbling. Your winking at corruption meant that your goats have not only eaten a huge part of our yam crop – they've also started eating the seedlings meant for the next planting.
Your time in office saw a push to disunite us against along ethnic and religious lines. Security is poor. Your government allowed Boko Haram to grow from a nuisance into a huge monster, and you only took action against them 6 weeks to the elections. You ignored the plight of the Chibok girls. Electricity is nonexistent. Unemployment is rising. While you increased your Presidential fleet to 11 aircraft, ordinary Nigerians could barely afford a little car. The poor and the youth are fast losing hope. Nigerians are far worse off today than when you were first sworn in as acting President in February 2010.
Goodbye Mr President. The people of Nigeria have given their definitive answer re the question of your 6 years in office, and we the people, have promoted you to Mr Ex-President.
Goodbye Goodluck Ebele Azikwe Jonathan. Nigeria will survive despite you.
PS: Please sir, don't let the sycophants and praise-singers deceive you again by their calling you the 'bringer' of democracy. If one man has been responsible for entrenching our democracy, it is Professor Attahiru Jega, who with the introduction of the PVC and Card Reader, has probably changed the face of our democracy for good.
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