Open Letter To Jude Imagwe, SSA To President Jonathan On Youth And Student Matters


Let me start by first congratulating you on your bold step taken so far in convincing the Federal Government and ASUU leadership to call Nigerian Students back on campus to continue their normal academic activities. 

Your decision, now after a long break, is pleasing to the generality of Nigerian Students, University communities and National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) under the leadership of Yinka Gbadebo of Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife.

Let me come back to the body of this open letter to you, Jude Gabriel Imagwe MON.

As a progressive youth of Nigeria who desires progress and development for our dear country Nigeria, I deem it necessary to write you this open letter.

Few days ago, we read on news reports about the modalities for the proposed National conference by President of Nigeria, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan through the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Mr Anyim Pius Anyim, of which some certain slots were allocated to your exalted office.

It is based on the aforementioned that I wish to remind you that there are some interest that need to be protected due to the cosmopolitan nature of our country Nigeria in order to avoid some enemies of progress that are ready to see faults in your kind of leadership.

Without any form of sentiment or sycophancy, I want to request and suggest that there are some leaders (Stakeholders) in the Students and youths movement in Nigeria that have paid their due in one way or other, and some of them are  currently heading reputable youths organizations in Nigeria such as  Obande G. Obande, the Speaker Northern Youths Assembly of Nigeria (NYAN), Yinka Dada Sadam JP, West Coordinator, Foods NOT Bombs, Ade Bello, National Youths Assembly of Nigeria, Charles Ibiam, Chidi Agoucha, Suleiman Mahmud, Tijani Sokoto, Danjuma Bello Sarki, Dele Jacksolomon and others.    

I am not unmindful of the facts that you may have some of them dearly to your heart but as an individual who might be surrounded  by sycophants that are only after their personal interest  they may not allow you to think that far. And it is worthy to note that I am not trying to show you how your work as the Senior Special Assistant on youth and Students matters to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria but I want to suggest that our Geopolitical Zone which is North-Central should be properly represented by our most articulated friend and brother, a leader with intellectual and oratory prowess called Obande Gideon Obande, the Speaker Northern Youths Assembly of Nigeria (NYAN).

As a Patriotic citizen of Nigeria, I consider this suggestion and request as a good democratic value of yours which will deepen our democracy and it will further the mutual relationships between the youths of Nigeria.

I want to also use this platform to bring to your notice that you should use your exalted office to plead with the Federal Government or the relevant authorities to increase the number of slots for Nigerian Youths and Students because it is our tomorrow that will be discussed NOT that of the Nigerian elites. 

On a final note, I am an ordinary Nigerian Youth, concerned about the direction in which our country is headed; concerned about seeing that Nigerian Youths gets the highest quality of representation in the proposed National conference that is reasonably possible, considering our very complicated circumstances as Nigerian Youths.

Accept the assurance of my highest regards. 

Ibrahim Kabiru Dallah is the National President, Nasarawa State Youths Network (NASTYNET) 

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