Tinubu condemns African coups and dictatorial regimes at UNGA

New Chicago university classmate of Tinubu emerges in U.S. court
New Chicago university classmate of Tinubu emerges in U.S. court

President Bola Tinubu strongly denounced the recent surge in military coups across Africa during his debut speech at the United Nations General Assembly. He labeled these coups as wrong and incongruous with the collective aspirations of African nations.

Tinubu asserted that the prevalence of coups should be interpreted as a call for solutions to long-standing problems and should not be misconstrued as Africa’s support for unconstitutional changes of government.

Tinubu advocates for democracy

Addressing his fellow world leaders, Tinubu emphasized the paramount importance of democratic governance as the ideal protector of the people’s will and welfare.

He criticized military coups as well as any civilian political system that perpetuates injustice.

In 2023 alone, military forces in Niger and Gabon overthrew the democratically-elected governments of Mohamed Bazzoum and Ali Bongo, respectively, contributing to a total of 107 successful military coups in Africa since 1950, a significant portion of the global count of 24.

Tinubu underscored that the wave of unrest in parts of Africa reflects a demand for solutions to longstanding challenges rather than an endorsement of coups.

He specifically addressed the situation in Niger, seeking support from sister countries and highlighting ECOWAS’ ongoing negotiations with the junta.

In his role as Chairman of ECOWAS, Tinubu expressed his commitment to re-establishing democratic governance in Niger while addressing the political and economic issues facing the nation, including the threat posed by violent extremists in the region.

President Tinubu also addressed the concerning issue of human trafficking and the movement of violent extremists in the region, emphasizing that these challenges undermine peace and stability.

He vowed to work toward improving African economies to discourage citizens from seeking a better life abroad under dangerous conditions and pledged to disband extremist groups within the region.

Furthermore, he called on the international community to enhance efforts to curb the flow of arms and violent individuals into West Africa.

Tinubu also warned about the rampant looting of Africa’s mineral resources, which poses a significant threat to peace and national security.

He stressed that foreign entities, often aided by local criminals, have exploited Africa’s mineral-rich regions, causing immense suffering and economic loss.

Tinubu urged member nations to collaborate with African countries to deter their firms and citizens from participating in the illicit exploitation of the continent’s resources, emphasizing the need to address this 21st-century pillage effectively.