APC Hijacked By Undemocratic, Destructive Cliques Says Shekarau


Former Governor of Kano State, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau has said that the opposition, All Progressive Congress, APC has been hijacked by undemocratic and destructive cliques within the rank and file of the party.

Addressing supporters at his Mudubawa Road, GRA, Bompai, Kano residence on why he left APC and decamped to PDP, the former governor said he left in obedience to the decision of his teeming supporters following mishandling of affairs in the opposition party by a clique.

Shekarau catalogued their frustration in APC, stressing that “the party had been hijacked by cliques that employed undemocratic tactics to ruin the party. 

Shekarau would be remembered, played a central role during the formative stage of the opposition merger party accused the APC of violating critical norms of democracy, pointing out that “within these six months, various unconstitutional decisions have been passed by a clique of the leadership of the party, 

“APC has nothing to show in this last six months, there is nothing on ground, not a single member of APC has been registered, not a single leadership structure exists anywhere within the states. No structure of interim leadership at ward levels, at local government levels, at state levels.

“Up till this time, we are yet to receive any detailed program of democratic elections to produce leaders of the party at various levels. To our dismay and to our surprise, within the six months which was the formal and official constitutional period given the interim leadership of the party, we now hear that leadership of the interim has no limited period.”

“It is as a result of this very conspicuous display of injustice that the stakeholders of the ANPP of Kano assembled here today, moved a motion, which has been passed and supported, that we members of the defunct ANPP of Kano State do hereby denounce our membership of the All Progressive Congress, APC,” he added. 

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