Reflections With Funmi: Building Nigeria And Nigerians…Part 2


Last week on this column in Part 1, we considered some key factors necessary for a thriving nation. We looked at education, industry, agriculture, health, roads and housing. I will conclude with a few others today and deal in details with each of them in the future.

Security: all our collective efforts will be a waste in an atmosphere of insecurity of lifes and properties. 

The renumeration of security officers and their welfare is key for psychological balance of personnel, if we intend to win the war against insecurity in Nigeria.

Reformation Centers: the story of a notorious armed robber called Godogodo, apprehended in Lagos in 2013, whose arrest made headliness came to mind, he was sent to prison for theft earlier, he came out a notorious armed robber that terrorised the cities and security officers for so long – that’s no longer acceptable.

These centres needs to be positive reformatoin and corrective centres indeed, where people will have the opportunity of reasoning heathily about what they can positively do with freedom instead of crime.

I understand that there are vocational trainings and all sorts in place for inmates, we need to really look through the operations of such centre and see how we can improve on them. We can’t afford having the likes of Godogodo loose in our polity, with no value for their own lifes  or any other persons.

These and many more are needed to really do the ”needful’  about building Nigeria as well as Nigerians. There’s a lot of work yet to be done, we can build Nigerians and Nigeria at the same time, we can hold Nigerians in high esteem while holding political offices in trust for the peope, we can stop showing impunity to their faces with arrogance  that there’s little or nothing the people can do, they are too poverty striken to ask questions or revolt, we can start making better choices that will benefit all and sundry, leadership can choose and be seen to have the interest of the nation at heart beyond personal benefits.

We need to create institutions, we need to put systems in place that will check everyone of us, punish offenders and applaud our best, always.

In the nearest future, we’ll deliberate detailedly on each of these issues and more, also on the responsibilities of citizens in this great and necessary task of Nation building.

There are possibilities all around us, we can all draw strenght from  this evergreen phrase – ” With these faith ( that we can still salvage our situation), we’ll be able to hew out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope” – Martin Luther King.

Let the builders arise in every sector of our national life, collectively, we can do it !!!!!

God bless Nigerians and Nigeria, always.

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